
ELRIM is an institute for research and education. It aims to increase mutual understanding about Islam and Christianity in the Middle Eastern and European contexts.


ELRIM supports research, it organizes and facilitates training seminars and events; and it produces, translates, publishes and distributes literary and audio-visual products.


Main operations

  • Research and supporting of studies related to Islamic and
  • Christian theology, and the tradition and the culture of the Middle-Eastern context
  • Builds academic and other educational and multi-culture issues relatedto networks that support the accomplishment of the vision
  • Produces and translates articles and books and audio-visual products that support the accomplishment of the vision
  • Coordinates distribution of literary and audio-visual products using different medias effectively
  • Coordinates, organizes and facilitates training seminars and events
  • Organizes multi-cultural and international study opportunities
  • Supports students in studies regarding Islam and Christianity
Istanbl Luteryen Kilisesi

History of Istanbul Lutheran Congregation – PDF

King Karl XII of Sweden and Finland lost the battle against the Russian archenemy at Poltava in the summer of 1709. The King together with about 1500 of his soldiers were forced to retreat to Bender in Moldova in the Ottoman Empire. He stayed in Istanbul for five years. This is the beginning of Lutheran church in Istanbul. Pastor Torsten Sandell has written an article about history of Lutheran Church in Turkey.

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European thinking climate as a challenge for Islamic theology – PDF

In his presentation, Kari Vitikainen presents common ways to understand and explain the current climate of European thought. Especially he concentrated on human-centred, spirit-centred and Christian worldviews. The text is Kari Vitikainen’s lecture to Shia scholars at Al-Mustafa University, Mashhad, Iran in 2013.

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